Liebster Award (#2)

I am seriously feeling the love this week! I got nominated for another Liebster Award!! Thank you Ben On Adventures! What is that, you ask? Here’s a list of the rules: 1. Thank and link back to your nominator. (see above) 2. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions. 3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with 200 or…

Addicted to Technology

Perhaps I’ve had too much time to think lately, I’ve got a few posts lined up that are entirely too contemplative. I apologize in advance! I’ve been thinking about my dependence on technology. I’ve become all too attached to my phone. I generally have it on airplane mode while I’m hiking so I can disconnect…

Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Sami of Flowers and Wanderlust. Thanks again Sami! You rock!! A Liebster Award is for those who are inspired or in adoration to another’s website or blog. They answer questions from their nominator, nominate eleven more blogs (sometimes those with fewer followers), and ask them more questions to put…

Sunset & a Book

Per doctor’s orders I have to lay off hiking for at least a month. I’ll be starting physical therapy this Friday to address the tendonitis in my knee. In a months time I have a follow-up appointment to see if the physical therapy is helping, if not then it’ll be time to get an MRI and see if I…

Social Media

In attempt to expand my blog and reach more people I am branching out to other social media platforms, please check them out and feel free to follow. Twitter @AnnaJane1004 Facebook Page – The Misadventures of Anna & Bear Bait Instagram – ajbrunton Tumblr Gmail –

Big East Fork Trail, Shining Rock Wilderness

The winter season means that accessibility to trails is limited as most of the blue ridge parkway is closed. However, there are still some great hikes in the area that are simply beautiful, little gems in the mountains, you just have to know where to look. We decided to head out to Trail Head, which…

Facing Reality

I enjoy a long weekend with beautiful weather, time with friends, family, volunteer work, and (most importantly) hiking. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my long weekend. Coming back to work today after 4(ish) days off was not exactly easy, it’s hard to face reality, especially when the weather is so…

New Domain Name!

As my blog is continuing to grow I have decided to buy a domain name. I am currently in the process of doing this and I have a few options. I’d love your input, so please vote! If you’re wondering where Bear Bait comes from, that’s my dog’s trail name 🙂 Thank you so much for…


Next year I plan on thru hiking the AT Southbound. Solo. Maine to Georgia. Being as my family lives in North Carolina and Georgia I felt that it would give me something to work towards, instead of walking further and further away from home I’ll be walking towards it. I’m still working out logistics as…

My Bucket List

I’ve got a pretty long list of trails I’d like to accomplish. And it keeps on growing. It is a lot of trails, there are lot on here that I’d honestly be happy to do just a section of the trail rather than the whole thing. But it would be pretty amazing to step foot…