
At a time where I have to limit what I do because of injuries and work, it’s easy to lose sight of adventure. It’s easy to say, It’s ok if I don’t get out this weekend, there’s always next weekend. Then that becomes the following weekend, and so on and before I know it, weeks or…

Liebster Award (#2)

I am seriously feeling the love this week! I got nominated for another Liebster Award!! Thank you Ben On Adventures! What is that, you ask? Here’s a list of the rules: 1. Thank and link back to your nominator. (see above) 2. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions. 3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with 200 or…

My Bucket List

I’ve got a pretty long list of trails I’d like to accomplish. And it keeps on growing. It is a lot of trails, there are lot on here that I’d honestly be happy to do just a section of the trail rather than the whole thing. But it would be pretty amazing to step foot…

A Backpacker’s Bucket List

I read a lot of articles and books about hikes, treks, expeditions, and backpacking trips around the world. It fills my heart with a desire to explore and adventure as much as possible. Recently I decided to start my bucket list of trips that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime (I’m sure the…